tTorrent - Torrent Client All the ideas and discussions
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I have a torrent that keeps loading and loading .

I have tried erasing this torrent. I have tried editing the host. I have erased the torrent file. And for some reason every time I start up the torrent downloader there it is it shows up every single time. I have no idea why this torrent will not go away but even when you let it completely download the file it just starts downloading again like it never happened so there is definitely a glitch with this torrent or would this app? Thank you! I have been using your torrent downloader for probably over 10 years. And I have never had this issue before.

John J Wilke , 10.10.2019, 10:05
Idea status: under consideration


ProphetZarquon, 04.12.2019, 16:21
Is there a .torrent file sitting in your Download directory?

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